Sully sounds like an incredible companion and friend. It’s heartwarming to hear how he has been there for you during a challenging time in your life. Dogs have an amazing ability to provide unconditional love, support, and a sense of purpose to their human companions.
Border collies are known for their intelligence and work ethic, and it sounds like Sully has used these traits to be an essential part of your daily routine and support system. The routine and structure that he provides can be especially beneficial for those struggling with mental illness.
It’s essential to have a support system when dealing with mental health challenges, and it’s clear that Sully has become a significant part of yours. Pets can provide a sense of comfort and companionship that can be hard to find elsewhere.
It’s wonderful to hear that you and Sully have formed such a strong bond. I hope that he continues to be a source of joy and support for you for many years to come.
Source: Instagram