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New York
Sunday, June 30, 2024

22 Hilarious Food Comics Loaded with Puns and Jokes, by Brooke Karras

As children, many of us were told not to play with our food, a rule enforced by parents. However, Brooke Karras, the creator of “Breakfast Club Comics,” creatively bends this rule by crafting dark humor comics where characters—dubbed “carroters”—are vibrant vegetables, fruits, and other edible entities. These comics feature dark comic strips with witty puns and absurd situations, providing a unique blend of humor and creativity.

Karras began her digital art journey over a year ago as a personal challenge to draw daily. Her comics, showcased on Instagram, have garnered a significant following, resonating with fans who appreciate dark humor comics with unexpected twists and funny endings. Inspired by classic cartoons and Sunday comic strips, Karras infuses her narratives with nostalgic charm and relatable food-based characters.

Artist: Brooke Karras

More Info: Instagram | Patreon.com | breakfastclubcomics.com



“I draw inspiration from Bill Watterson and Will Henry,” Karras explained, referring to her influences from “Calvin and Hobbes” and “Wallace the Brave.” Her artistic process involves starting with pencil sketches before transitioning to digital platforms for coloring and dialogue, ensuring each comic retains its unique dark comic humor.





The choice of food as central characters adds universal appeal, connecting with audiences globally through shared culinary experiences. Crafting food puns effortlessly, Karras finds a sweet spot between humor and storytelling, evident in characters like Shelly the free-range egg, who evolves from an unlikeable character to a beloved member of the breakfast club.

For enthusiasts of dark humor comics and absurd comic strips, Karras offers a delectable menu of pun-filled delights. Whether you’re craving witty food puns or searching for comics with dark endings that tickle your funny bone, “Breakfast Club Comics” promises to satisfy.





To explore more of Karras’s creative universe and support her work, visit her Instagram or dedicated website. Every follow and engagement helps grow the community of fans enjoying her dark comics and funny and absurd comic creations.



































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Linda Martin
Linda Martinhttp://comicsconnoisseurs.com
Hello, I'm Linda Martin,, an article writer with a passion for comics and entertainment. I've been writing for Comics Connoisseurs for over a year, dedicating myself to crafting engaging and informative content. My goal is to keep readers thoroughly entertained.

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