“Safely Endangered” is a delightful collection of dark humor comics created by British artist Chris McCoy. Known for his adorable illustrations infused with dark and unexpected humor, Chris has captivated a large audience. His love for drawing started in school and has since evolved into a full-fledged passion for creating dark comic strips.
Initially, Chris pursued an engineering degree at university but soon realized it wasn’t the right path for him. After leaving university, he began making comics as a hobby. His positive feedback from his audience fueled his passion and encouraged him to continue. His efforts have paid off, as he now boasts 1.6 Million followers on Instagram and 486K followers on Facebook—an impressive following by any measure.
Artist: Chris McCoy
More info: Instagram | Facebook | safelyendangered.com
Chris has earned a reputation as a brilliant cartoonist, particularly for his work on themes like spiritual fear, social anxiety, and everyday problems. Despite the dark or evil origins of the humor in his comics, they remain humorous and relatable, contributing to their overall appeal. His dark humor comics typically rely on hilarious visuals rather than extensive dialogue to convey his ideas. His work is clear yet expressive, showcasing his ability to use color to add personality and depth to his drawings.
Chris engages with his fans on social media, often drawing inspiration from their recommendations. This mutual interaction has played a significant role in the growing popularity of his comics with dark endings. The supportive comments he receives online have boosted his confidence and deepened his passion for creating absurd comic content.
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