Here we introduce Diogo Seabra – Diogo, known as “imthebirdguy” online, has always been great at making people laugh with 20,000 followers on Instagram, his sharp wit and extremely relatable humor has drawn quite the crowd.
Ranging from Hollywood stars to Netflix series, Diogo’s comics are riddled with pop culture references. Well, some of his inspirations are Mr. Lovenstein, AdamTots (BuzzFeed), The Pigeon Gazette, and finally Cyanide & Happiness which is now followed by all! If you like his innovative style and witty humor, make sure to follow comic artist Diogo Seabra.
More Info: Instagram

We got in touch with Diogo to ask him a few questions about his work and the way he approaches things. He said that he started out with a gallery of daily self-portrait illustrations on Instagram, along his journey into comic art. Initially, these were just silly cartoons. Soon, I realized the images that got traction had humor in them or a story. But I never once tried anything as big and complex a comic could be like this.


Where do you get the ideas for your comics from- oh inspiration comes to a lot of time while living life’s moments and daily life. I watch how people interact and nature unfolds, myself in my own strange ways. How he creates: His creative process bounces around a little bit – but he is mainly poised to snap a shot of funny or interesting scenarios with his camera. I’ll then look at these notes and try to determine what will make a good comic expansion. I start with the punchline or my core that I want to say. Only after I get there do i start sketching, colorizing and applying details to make it visually reinforce the mood or message Before posting, I go back and read it through to make sure that everything is readable(ish) cohesive, and maybe even slightly funny.


Eager to learn about his Instagram handle, “I am The Bird Guy,” we inquired with Diogo how he came up with this. The name itself comes from the notion of “free to fly” and common notions of creativity. Birds are a metaphor for freedom, perspective and playfulness that I always strive to convey in my work. It serves as a reminder to be authentic in my style and interests, while also approaching myself with joy and curiosity when it comes to creating articonic regarding everyday objects.


Diogo notes that while many of his comics are filled with pop culture references, he also draws on life experiences to help architect jokes. For example, there was that one time when I went to the beach and (gasp) forgot sunscreen; lo-and-behold by mid-afternoon my skin had turned into a shade of lobster red. So here, I drew an actual lobster version of yours truly. In order to heighten the comedic quality, I applied a little creative liberty by quickly upping the stakes and turning him into an actual lobster. Choosing the parts you actually exaggerate or change, I make those have more of an impact on just how absurd and relatable it is to real life without forgetting about making this all grounded.

















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