Meet Domien Delforge, the Belgian artist known for his clever humor hidden within innocent drawings. His work reflects modern-day issues with a humorous touch, acting as a mirror of society’s contradictions.
According to Domien, there’s no subject off-limits for cartoons, despite conservative reactions to his work. He often addresses gender equality and human rights, aiming to challenge outdated beliefs.
Credit to: Domien Delforge
More Info: Instagram |

Starting with pop-art-style paintings, Domien transitioned to cartoons over time. Inspired by artists like David Shrigley and Joan Cornella, his style evolved, though he admits to occasional bouts of creative block.


Aside from art, Domien manages a webshop alongside his full-time job. Recently, he decided to close the webshop to focus on creativity and personal well-being.
Reflecting on his impact, Domien recalls a cartoon highlighting societal indifference to tragedy, emphasizing the importance of empathy in today’s world.


Finally, Domien’s work offers a humorous yet insightful perspective on societal issues, urging us to rethink our values and priorities.

























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