Jorgen Van Santen, a comic artist from Oslo, Norway, has created a delightful series called “Death & the Maiden,” humorously exploring the afterlife. The story revolves around two main characters – death and a young woman who passed away in an accident. Through their unique friendship, readers get a peek into the afterlife and its funny differences from the world of the living.
In a recent interview, Jorgen shared, “I’ve always been fascinated by death, and as a secular person, I decided to create my take on the afterlife. It might not be perfect, but I think it’s better than many other theories about what happens when we die.”
Now, let’s dive into Jorgen’s imaginative portrayal of the afterlife.
Jorgen revealed, “I find research boring, so I take creative liberties, especially since there are no hard facts about life after death.”
“Death & the Maiden” has a significant online following of 64.2K followers. Jorgen noted, “Fan feedback matters. It helps me understand what works and what doesn’t. I’ve adjusted my stories and characters based on their reactions.”
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Fans play a crucial role, and Jorgen shared surprising instances, saying, “I had a reader who got very ‘excited’ about one character. It was quite interesting.”
Addressing plans, Jorgen said, “I have many ideas but little free time. I want to create longer stories, like one where a character ends up permanently in the realm of death. I also plan to continue improving the art style, humor, and storytelling to keep readers engaged.”
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