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Another talented female artist shares her adventures and ramblings in comic form with a twist. Today we are pleased to present Hannah Hillam! That woman is Irma Eriksson and she is the creator of Imy Comics on Instagram.
More Info: Instagram | Facebook |

Irma makes comics about her own experiences and everyday struggles. In her realist level of detail drawings, she waxes poetic about how wonderful and also terrible it is to be a regular tasteless piece of human. With her tongue firmly in cheek, this outspoken lady lays it all out with lessons learned and laughter shared (about herself and others) In a style of humor comic strips that readers across the board identify with coping! Her laughs offered characters that would have you smiling all day.


Irma, a redheaded woman who describes herself as artistic has been posting her comic strips which have little humor in them and she started in 2007. Away from the serious side of art, she produces funny comic strips inspired by real-life events and has a large following. The encouragement from her audience has pushed her to work even harder than ever before in getting their comics more interactive.


In her comic strips, Irma creates every day of an average woman through many bizarre and personal daily life situations. They highlight the comedy and trials of mediocrity; a person who is nothing special, but has amusing anecdotes / interesting experiences.
If you love her comics, then be sure to share these lovely comic ideas with others.





















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