Instagram where Martin Rosner illustrates Hot Paper Comics. Famous for his blend of funnily sinister humor, Martin takes routine circumstances and infuses them with either ludicrousness or black wit. Though a relatively late bloomer when it comes to making comics, he is proving himself as one of the most comic voices we have.
Hot Paper Comics provides a passage of the complex problems artists have to face on a daily basis. The endings of his stories are often twisted, and some other times surprising; he likes to set up the situation in a deranged manner once in a while. The individual’s feature has even helped him garner 118,000 followers on Instagram.
More Info: Instagram | Facebook

From there, Hot Paper Comics sprang forth from Martin essentially challenging himself to make a bizarre comic each and every day for just two months. He flunked out of two colleges and suffered crippling depression for over 2 years before turning things around with talk therapy, medication and self-improvement efforts. To him, these comics are like telling his depression that it should go fuck itself. He shows he can still make anything face adversity.


Hot Paper Comics stresses the importance of talking about depression, and how knowing they are not alone can be beneficial to readers. His emotions have only led to more positive feedback from the audience and his comics are getting even funnier. Click Here For More Fuzzbelly Comics.



















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