Meet Mary Park, also known as Murzz, an artist residing in Los Angeles, USA. She’s garnered online fame for her relatable illustrations capturing the everyday struggles of womanhood and the humorous aspects of her long-standing relationship. Her comics resonate with many due to their familiarity with similar experiences.
Mary believes that the initial excitement of a relationship is overrated and finds comfort in the stage where partners are completely at ease with each other, even after sharing embarrassing moments like seeing each other’s unflattering ID photos or passing gas without hesitation.
More Info: Instagram | Webtoons

Describing her relationship as akin to “two big kids trying to ‘adult’ together,” Mary and her partner constantly annoy each other yet can’t stand to be apart.
Beyond relationships, Mary’s comics touch on various aspects of everyday life, particularly focusing on themes that resonate with women. She aims to bring joy to her readers through her distinctive and quirky illustrations, fueled by the overwhelming support she receives from her fans.


In addition to her artistic endeavors, Mary has a few interesting hobbies. She’s a professional cartoonist who adores cats, Korean dramas, and playfully teasing her boyfriend. These interests often find their way into her comics, which she shares on Instagram and Webtoon three times a week – on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.
With over 752K followers on Instagram, Mary stands as one of the most prominent comic artists on the platform. Her light-hearted humor and vibrant art style have captured the hearts of people worldwide, showcasing her widespread appeal.
























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