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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Twists & Turns: 23 Comics with Jaw-Dropping Endings by Mike Greaney

Mike Greaney, a comic artist hailing from Australia, possesses a unique ability to craft unexpected endings for his stories, a skill that he adeptly employs in his work, which frequently graces the panels of comics on his social media platforms.

Drawing inspiration from a diverse array of sources, Mike explains, “I find inspiration in various avenues. For shorter comics, I usually aim for something enjoyable to draw—such as a werewolf transforming, a bog witch, ghosts, etc.—and then endeavor to devise a joke to complement the illustrations. Conversely, my longer-form comics often commence with a query like ‘What if you could spawn unlimited ducks?’ or ‘What if a Twitter spam robot attained sentience?’ From there, the characters and narratives organically evolve.”

More Info: Instagram | twitter.com



When queried about the genesis of his comic-making endeavors, Mike recounts, “I come from an animation background, and while I have a deep love for animation, the process is exceedingly time-consuming and often requires substantial financial investment. Consequently, I stumbled upon the idea of transforming concepts and jokes initially intended for animation into comic form as a means of satiating my creative drive and sharing my work without the arduous investment of time and resources.”

Like many individuals, Mike’s journey to his dream career was not instantaneous. He reminisces, “During my teenage years, I worked in a fast-food restaurant and a liquor store. Subsequently, I’ve navigated through various roles in animation, design, and art over the past decade. I relish the experimentation inherent in creative pursuits; each animation project presents unique challenges and opportunities for growth.”





Mike expresses profound appreciation for the audience his art reaches, remarking, “I am incredibly grateful that people enjoy reading my comics, and I derive immense pleasure from creating and sharing them, as well as observing the responses they elicit. Frequently, my followers craft funnier jokes in the comments than those found within the comic itself, making the experience of sharing my work immensely gratifying.”





When asked to impart advice to aspiring comic artists, Mike offers sage counsel: “If you find yourself laughing while creating, you’ve already triumphed halfway. The key is to share your work with others. I’ve found the community on Reddit to be exceptionally supportive and an excellent platform for garnering exposure. Ultimately, prioritize creating work that captivates and amuses you, rather than solely chasing trends or clicks.”





































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John. M
John. Mhttps://comicsconnoisseurs.com
Hello, I'm John. M, an article writer with a passion for comics and entertainment. I've been writing for Comics Connoisseurs for over a year, dedicating myself to crafting engaging and informative content. My goal is to keep readers thoroughly entertained.

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