Eight years ago, a high schooler with zero art experience embarked on a journey into the world of dark humor comics fueled by a passion for cartoons and comedy. Armed with nothing but humor and an inability to draw a human nose, this budding artist’s characters took on the likeness of Legos, Roblox figures, or the iconic Canadians from South Park. Thus, Nate Inc. Comics was born.
With each stroke of the pencil, his illustrative skills flourished, accompanied by a growing mastery of dark humor. Soon, his square-headed personas found themselves plastered across the internet’s most frequented sites and even gracing the pages of a print newspaper.
For more of Nate Inc.’s captivating dark humor comics, follow along on Instagram and Facebook.
More Info: Facebook | Instagram

Early on, his creative fire was stoked by the works of renowned webcomic artists such as Extra Fabulous Comics and Jake Likes Onions, who also delved into humor comics. However, as time progressed, his inspiration expanded to encompass a diverse array of comic artists and creators, fueled further by the unwavering support of his online fanbase.


A new series of strips has emerged, departing from the familiar geometric characters to embrace a traditionally drawn style while retaining the unique tone that defines Nate Inc.’s dark humor comics.





























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