Dark Humor Comics that blindside you, then look no further and go find the Instagram series OJ After Dark Comics. This is an anonymous creator who has grown to mastery of dark humor comics through the combination of absurdity with shocking twists. Be sure to find your cup of tea whether it is short jokes or some a little more unnerving.
More Info: Instagram

The artist started making comics at a pretty early age. This had become the means of creative expression and the passion had grown to constitute a collection of some of the best dark humor comics available today. Each comic unfolds in multi-panels of everyday situations slowly unraveling into something disturbing or bizarre before readers come to a surprising conclusion. The twist at the end is what truly defines these dark humor comics with unexpected endings.


Take, for example, when a fellow just nonchalantly remarks to his friend in one strip, “Guess what my wife has become.” The punchline whacks hard as the friend quips back, “You know your wife has been dead for ten years.” A second strip features two friends out for a hike, jokingly talking about having bears in the forest. In the final frame, one of the hikers turns around to find that his friend has turned into a massive bear standing upright.




Dark humor fans who thrive on comedians pushing things to the edge will love this series. The producer aimed to make people laugh, especially at some point when they were not feeling their best. Achieving this is through universal emotions tapped into and taken into dark places, the results are shocking and perhaps very unpredictable. The shocking and very unexpected conclusions that these dark comics online come up with keep people hooked.



Be it a long-time fan or hearing it for the first time, OJ After Dark Comics may be one of the most interesting and disturbing dark humor comics with surprising ending comics out there today.








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