Pibu Bear comics are so cute, an online webcomic created by Pi and Bu, a real-life couple whose names are Maria and Rafael. The comics basically portray their everyday experiences as a couple-heavily depicted in a cute and relatable manner.
It all started in late 2018 when the artist Pi drew a funny comic about a supermarket experience. Respecting friends’ encouraging wishes to share their stories, Pi kept creating and gave birth to Pibu Bear.
More Info: Instagram

Pi is an illustrator who began drawing at the age of five. She was studying graphic design, but she eventually full-time transitioned into working as an illustrator. Simplicity and cuteness in her style of art reflect the comedies and affections that come with a touching relationship with Bu from the comics.


Comics by Pibu Bear are heavily liked for how relatable they are. Pi and Bu present everyday couples with scenarios that have become pretty common among many couples-for example, cuddling on the couch, going out for dates, or playfully fighting over the television remote. A couple’s all such experiences genuinely convey the essence of warmth, humor, and romance.


The couple, from 2013, shares these moments through comic strips that reflect both the funny and touching side of relationships. The popularity was such that comedies soon found their way to Instagram too, where Pi now has over one million followers and is getting new ones into his account daily.


It’s funny, but people find Pi and Bu’s comics cute because these actually reflect some real-life dynamics in relationships. The ups and downs, laughter, simple joys of being with someone-these readers can really relate to. In fact, some readers claim that the comics actually helped them to navigate their own relationships or to be over a past one.



Pibu Bear is much more than an ordinary comic regarding friendship and love; it is a beautiful shared life with true friends, telling stories of love and friendship beyond borders. With many people finding their way into these romantic comics, Pi and Bu continue to amaze audiences through their creative and lively narratives.



















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