Introducing a talented comic artist who is crafting a series around relatable scenarios, with the protagonist inspired by the creators themselves.
“Seany Boy Draws,” authored by Sean Kirkpatrick, is a heartwarming webcomic that captures the essence of life’s everyday moments. Kirkpatrick delves into various themes, including relationships, pet ownership, pop culture, and daily routines—mundane yet infused with humor. Dive into a selection of Sean’s finest comics below and share in the comments which strip resonates most with you.
Credit: Sean Kirkpatrick
More Info: Instagram

Sean Kirkpatrick sheds light on their journey into comic artistry. When asked about their beginnings in the field and their motivation to pursue it professionally, Kirkpatrick reminisces, “I’ve always been drawn to comics, and the emergence of Instagram as a platform was a pivotal moment. Witnessing numerous creators sharing their work inspired me to join in. I owe a big thanks to Meg Adams for both her artistry and for kickstarting my following by reposting one of my comics.”
Regarding their artistic background, Sean reveals, “I’ve had a passion for drawing since childhood, but after pursuing graphic design in university, I lost touch with art for a while. In 2017, I embarked on a challenge to create one drawing every day for a year, reigniting my love for drawing purely for enjoyment.”


When asked about their distinctive style, Kirkpatrick cites influences such as Bryan Lee O’Malley (Scott Pilgrim), Jamie Hewlett (Gorillaz), and Hanna K. Nyström (Adventure Time). Humor-wise, they credit Nedroid comics as a significant influence.


Sean shares insights into their creative process, saying, “Ideas often strike me unexpectedly, usually stemming from humorous interactions with my partner or from observing absurdities in everyday life. Sometimes, it’s just random thoughts that spark a chuckle.”



Finally, offering advice to budding comic creators, Kirkpatrick encourages embracing imperfection. “Create freely, even if it means producing less-than-perfect work. Progress comes from action, so don’t be afraid to start. Embrace the learning process, and you’ll soon find yourself producing quality content.”
In “Seany Boy Draws,” Sean Kirkpatrick not only entertains but also inspires aspiring artists with their relatable narratives and invaluable advice.















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