Took a break from making comics in August. Did it daily for 18 months, and felt burned out. Comics don’t always have to be funny; some folks get upset if they don’t like it. I just express myself; not all about humor, want real comics, not just memes.
Being yourself online is risky. People interpret your stuff in many ways. Be cautious, avoid comments, and turn off notifications for your well-being.
I’m from Australia, moved from Sydney to a tiny village at 6, then to Brisbane after high school. Loved comics since childhood, and used to read them with my dad.
My comics feature a character inspired by me but doesn’t look like me. I like space buns and colorful hair. My name’s Eirinn, and ‘Ske’ is from my gaming days. Pronounced ‘Erin Ski.’
Feels great to post a comic before bed and wake up to a positive response. Doesn’t always happen, but I hope for it. Some comics I love flop. The hardest part is forcing ideas; can’t force inspiration. The easiest part is lining after the draft, my favorite. Writing is crucial; practice crafting jokes—I’m still learning.
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