A talented comic artist Ryan Rd, has created a unique space for himself by seamlessly blending humor, art, and storytelling. Drawing inspiration from the joy and laughter his work brings to people, Ryan has crafted a comic style that resonates with audiences, infusing everyday situations with a delightful blend of absurdity and irony. His unwavering dedication to quality has propelled his art to new heights, focusing on refining his craft through meticulous attention to shading, color, and narrative delivery. Ryan Rd’s comics offer a refreshing and humorous outlook on life, endearing him to a devoted following of webcomic enthusiasts.
We had the opportunity to catch up with Ryan again and dive deeper into his creative journey.
More Info: Instagram | Facebook | reddit.com

When discussing the business aspect of his work, Ryan shared his perspective, stating, “Being able to turn something you love into a livelihood or even just a side hustle is incredibly fulfilling.” This mindset has inspired him to explore avenues for monetizing his art, including physical projects like comic books, zines, and stickers.
Ryan provided insights into his workflow and schedule, explaining, “I’ve streamlined my process quite effectively. Once I’ve completed all the stages—sketches, linework, color, shading, and background—I add the comic to the ‘ready to post’ pile. As for timing, I typically gauge the comic’s vibe to decide whether it’s better suited for the beginning or end of the week.”


He also discussed “Cardversation,” a comic concept that mirrors conversational turns with card game mechanics. Expressing his enthusiasm, Ryan shared, “I love the concept so much that I’ve even considered developing it into a real-life card game. It’s something I’m looking into.”
Emphasizing the benefits of collaboration, Ryan highlighted how working with other artists provides fresh perspectives and enhances workflow efficiency. He explained, “Collaborating allows you to see how others approach the same challenges, leading to broader horizons and improved outcomes through friendly competition.”


Ryan likened his posting strategy to a TV channel’s broadcast schedule, stressing the importance of consistency in engaging the audience. He elaborated, “Consistency is key. Just like how I used to eagerly await my favorite cartoons at a specific time, regular posting keeps audiences coming back for more. It’s about feeding the algorithm and planning to ensure a steady flow of content.”
In summary, Ryan’s journey as a comic artist reflects a balance of passion, creativity, and entrepreneurial spirit, resonating with audiences worldwide.






















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